Star’s Beauty Regimes Are Ruining Hair

Project Work and Other Clients Press releases

Hair Solved

PR in Scotland for hair loss experts

Experts in female hair loss have spoken out about the problems that thousands of women are experiencing after using things like extensions and hair dye.

Director of Hair Solved, Lucas Sojka has highlighted just two of these beauty rituals as problems that have affected the thinning of hair and bald patches in a number of Scottish women.

Made famous by the likes of reality stars, extensions have become a real problem due to the prolonged tension on the scalp meaning women are literally tearing their hair out by trying to get the latest celebrity styles.

Lucas said: “Hair extensions and the constant dying of hair can have real damaging effects from women.

“it is understandable that people like to look good and want to try out the latest celebrity hair and beauty trends. However when you see stars like Jessica and the obvious effects her extensions have had on her scalp, this should be enough of a warning not to wear them constantly.

“The key thing is to allow the hair to recover from this type of hair loss is early diagnosis and if identified early the hair loss is usually reversible- which is good news for those who already wear extensions.

This coverage was secured with Deadline News as part of a sustained PR campaign carried out by Holyrood PR on behalf of Hair Solved.