Measuring your social media ROI is key to campaign success


The three pivotal steps to ensuring your next social media campaign is a hit from leading Scottish PR agency

Scottish PR agency Holyrood PR shares it's tips on why measurement is key for social media campaigns

THERE are agencies out there who will promise you the stars but give you little more than a flickering light bulb.

And when it comes to social media, it’s even easier for the uninitiated to be bamboozled with meaningless buzzwords and figures which seem incredible but actually have no impact on your businesses’ bottom line.

At Holyrood PR we’re proud to be transparent in everything we do – from our fees, to the award-winning results we provide for clients, to the emphasis we put on measurement and evaluation of our work.

We’ve put together our three top tips below to ensure you don’t fall foul of sketchy social media but instead reap the amazing benefits that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram et al can offer.

Understand what you want from social media

It’s no use to say ‘I want more followers’ or ‘I’d like more likes’.

Instead, you need to ask yourself why you want these things. Is it to sell something? Is it to change public perception? Is it to increase your brand awareness?

Once you have a clear answer to this, you can tailor the social media campaign to match your objectives and make sure they’re achievable and realistic.

That’s why, when utilising the expertise of a trusted advisor like Holyrood PR, you’ll be in safe hands and guided through the potential minefield of questions in simple and clear language.

From this starting point, it’s easy to choose the type of video you require on social media channels and the amount of spend you’ll have to commit to in order to ensure you reach your target market.

Beyond YouTube blog - who you can use video for your business


Challenge your agency or staff to ensure that the analytics tools they use attribute directly to what you want to find out.

A report which can link key spikes in traffic to a sale or timing of an Instagram story to an increased number of customers coming through your door will provide clear signs that your social strategy is working.

A social media post isn’t always the asset that drives business to your website and ultimately a conversion, but it is the consistent touch point that potential clients will see on a daily basis.

Make sure your goals are achievable

If you’re a new company with zero social media presence, it’s no use expecting an agency to wave a magic wand and have millions of followers in five minutes.

As algorithms evolve, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to penetrate and deliver results on a purely organic basis.

However, the right paid strategy and having a trusted digital PR advisor can be the solution, as they’ll guide you as to what spend you should put behind your campaign and where to target.

Too often, clients can become bogged down in stats which don’t really tell you anything, instead of simply paying close attention to what is working.

Is there a time of day that drives more engagement? What type of content is driving leads?

It’s by asking questions like these, that you’ll get the most from your analytics and really start to move the needle on your bottom line.


HPR stock image of a tablet, laptop and phone. Taken by Seb Regnier Scottish PR agency


Understand what your target audience is looking for

Research shows that attention spans are dwindling and companies now have mere seconds to grasp their customers’ attention and make sure they’re looking at what they want them to.

This drives the need for more creativity in the content you produce and is where having trusted social media advisors in your corner is vital to your digital success.

Not only will this ensure you get engaging content, but you’ll also know how to pitch it and what platforms to use in order to reach your desired audiences.


Our experienced team will guide you through the process and ensure your social channels grow in no time – after all, no business wants a distracting flickering lightbulb holding them back.

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