Catapult Yourself Into Holyrood Five

Holyrood PR Blog

Weaponise your office tools Geekosystem

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It’s my birthday and unfortunately I don’t have many holidays left to take so the celebrations have to wait-or do they! I found a video on how you can use office supplies to create weapons so I might be able to battle my way out of here! Woohoo! I’m going to follow sling-shot showman Jorg Sprave’s weaponising instructions to launch me out of here!If you’re in the same boat or just fancy procrastinating check out how you can create weapons with simple office supplies!


It used to be that the western world celebrated fat as being a sign of wealth and vitality. Nowadays stick thin celebs parade constantly across the pages of magazines, dripping in expensive garb, their emaciated physiques the subject of endless speculation, criticism, admiration and conversation. However, as highlighted by an article in the Daily Mail, it is only over the past couple of years that the fact of getting fit – the participation in various sporting activities itself – has replaced being thin as a status symbol. The article says it is no longer ‘cool’ to brag about your wealth, instead there is a social kudos in sharing your sporting/physical achievements. Now I wonder how much cooler it makes me when I admit to walking to work rather than taking the bus?


If there is any partnership which is a bit unexpected it has to be the one of Lurpak and Last FM. The butter brand and the radio station have teamed up to develop an online music tool which budding chefs can use to listen whilst cooking up a storm. Food beats which was developed by Outside Line is designed to choose music which relates to the menu being prepared. It does make sense as increasing cooks are taking their laptop into the kitchen with them to blast some music. At least now chefs will be really in tune with their creations!



Most of us have been in the situation when we add a new Facebook pal with the realisation that neither of us has any real interest in each others lives! Some indulge in a Facebook unfriend cleanse! For a lot of people the more friends you have seems to be some sort of inidicator of popularity but really it means nada!Anyway check out this guide on how you can pretend to be someones friend on Facebook through creating an aquaintance list-no more awkward scenarios when you bump into someone you recently deleted and you give each other the knowing eyeball.



Ever wonder what will happen to your social networks when you pop your clogs?Well now you don’t have to!UK start-up DeadSocial which is currently in beta phase, allows people to schedule messages which are only distributed once you die.You simply link your Facebook, Twitter and Google + accounts to the platform and write messages to friends and loved ones which are scheduled to be sent out at chosen points after your passing.Creepy or what! ​